Time Card Modifications

Generate Time Cards based on Resource Allocations

Currently timecards are only generated for the table planned_task and only for the current week


  • Generate timecards when the current user is assigned as a resource allocation
  • Generate timecards for upcoming weeks (not just the current week)

Script Include

The only script we need to edit is the TimeCardAjax script include. Since this is OOB, it’s best to insert-and-stay then mark the original as inactive.

The only OOB function we will be editing is ajaxFunction_generateTaskCards(), the rest we will be creating ourselves.

ajaxFunction_generateTaskCards: function(){
  //get request info
  this.weekStart = this._getWeekStart();
  this.user = this.getParameter('sysparm_user');
  this.weekEnd = this._getWeekEnd();
  this.newCards = []; //list of cards created
  this.existingCards = this._getExistingCards();
  this.plannedTasks = this._getPlannedTasks();

  //added two functions to be run for Resource Allocations
  this.resourceAllocations = this._getResourceAllocations();


This is the function that gets run initially, when TimecardAjax is called. What I added were two lines between this._generateMissingCards(this.plannedTasks) and this._buildResult();.

Both functions should be self explanatory. The ._getResourceAllocation() grabs all resource allocations for the user and ._generateMissingAllocations() will generate timecards if there are no timecards associated.

Unit Tests

var alloc = new GlideRecord("resource_allocation");
alloc.user = "0ac0a7f7db20220003ee793ebf961970";
var date = new GlideDate();
alloc.start_date = date;
var date2 = new GlideDate();
alloc.end_date = date2;
alloc.requested_hours = "30";
alloc.task = "48b1d30ddb95a20003ee793ebf961942"
alloc.resource_plan = "e3bc5091db19a20003ee793ebf961943"
var test = alloc.insert();
var newTask = new GlideRecord("cert_follow_on_task");
newTask.assigned_to = "0ac0a7f7db20220003ee793ebf961970";
newTask.short_description = "Unit Test 08171131";

var taskId = newTask.insert();
gs.log("taskID = " + taskId);

var newRP = new GlideRecord("resource_plan");
  newRP.task = taskId;
  newRP.start_date = "2015-01-01";
  newRP.end_date = "2019-01-01";
  newRP.user_resource = "0ac0a7f7db20220003ee793ebf961970";
  newRP.resource_type = "user";
  newRP.planned_hours = 0;

var resourceId = newRP.insert();
gs.log("resourceID = " + resourceId);

var alloc = new GlideRecord("resource_allocation");
    alloc.user = "0ac0a7f7db20220003ee793ebf961970";
    var date = new GlideDate();
    alloc.start_date = date;
    var date2 = new GlideDate();
    alloc.end_date = date2;
    alloc.requested_hours = "30";
    alloc.task = taskId;
    alloc.resource_plan = resourceId;

var allocationId = alloc.insert();
gs.log("allocationdId = " + allocationId);

var alloc2 = new GlideRecord("resource_allocation");
    alloc2.user = "0ac0a7f7db20220003ee793ebf961970";
    var date = new GlideDate();
    alloc2.start_date = date;
    var date2 = new GlideDate();
    alloc2.end_date = date2;
    alloc2.requested_hours = "30";
    alloc2.task = taskId;
    alloc2.resource_plan = resourceId;

allocationId = alloc2.insert();
gs.log("allocationID2 = " + allocationId);