Reference Qualifiers

Creating a Dynamic Qualifier

I decided to create a catalog item to request a parking space. One feature I wanted was to only show parking spots depending on which type of spot you want to reserve (ie. VIP, Motorcycle, Normal).

To accomplish that requirement, I decided to go with a dynamic qualifier that changes depending on type selected.

The Script Include

This is probably up for debate, but I decided to keep the same object format for my script include using Class.create() and .prototype.

Script Include Fields

Name : parkingByParkingType
Client callable : True
var parkingByParkingType = Class.create();
parkingByParkingType.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {

        getSpots: function() {

                var result = [];

                var res = new GlideRecord("u_parking_spot");
                        res.addQuery("u_assigned", false);
                        res.addQuery("u_type", current.variables.parking_type);

                while ( ) {

                var au = new ArrayUtil();

                return au.unique(result);

    type: 'parkingByParkingType'

The function of interest is the .getSpots() function. It’s a basic query in the u_parking_spot table, but with a Dynamic Query we have acccess to current which we can use to add to query. In this example we’re using the parking_type variable, which is a selection.

Qualifier that uses multiple queries

//getUserGroupsAsArray(), just grabs all user's groups and puts them into an array
var userGroups = getUserGroupsAsArray();

//!  Here each query checks to see if  queried group
//!    is in one of the userGroups array
var portfolioGR = new GlideRecord("pm_portfolio");
var q = portfolioGR.addQuery("u_department.u_ppm_group", 'IN', userGroups);
q.addOrCondition('u_department.parent.u_ppm_group', 'IN', userGroups);
q.addOrCondition('u_department.u_ppm_agency_intake_group', 'IN', userGroups);
q.addOrCondition('u_department.parent.u_ppm_agency_intake_group', 'IN', userGroups);
q.addOrCondition('u_department.u_customer_engagement_group', 'IN', userGroups);
q.addOrCondition('u_department.parent.u_customer_engagement_group', 'IN', userGroups);

var portfolioArray = [];

while( {

//unique() function takes out any duplicates
var arrayUtil = new ArrayUtil();
var cleanPortfolioArray = arrayUtil.unique(portfolioArray);

return 'sys_idIN' + cleanPortfolioArray;