Sending Attachments via REST


This will allow a system to receive a base64 encoded string and set it to the attachment table

Staging Table

A table should be created that extends the Import Set Row table with the following added fields

Column label Type Max length
attachment String 1,000,000
name String  
ticket number String 1,000

Create a Transform Map

Name Source table Target table
Attachment Stage to Queue Attachment Staging Table ecc_queue

Field Maps

Source field Target field
u_attachment payload
u_name name
u_ticket_number source
[Script] agent
[Script] topic

Agent Scripts

answer = (function transformEntry(source) {

  // Add your code here
  return "AttachmentCreator"; // return the value to be put into the target field


Topic Scripts

answer = (function transformEntry(source) {

  // Add your code here
  return "AttachmentCreator"; // return the value to be put into the target field


Sending the REST Message

The rest message should be sent with the fields below


Example Business Rule Script for Attachment

var target = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
target.addQuery('table_name', 'incident');
target.addQuery('table_sys_id', current.sys_id);

while( {
  var sa = new GlideSysAttachment();
  var binData = sa.getBytes(target);
  var base64Data = GlideStringUtil.base64Encode(binData);

  //Send Attachments
  var requestAttachment = new sn_ws.RESTMessageV2();


  var requestAttachmentJSONBody = createRequestBody("u_name", target.file_name + ":" + target.content_type);
  requestAttachmentJSONBody += addToRequestBody("u_ticket_number", 'incident:' + sysid);
  requestAttachmentJSONBody += addToRequestBody("u_attachment", base64Data);
  requestAttachmentJSONBody += closeRequestBody();


  var responseAttachment = requestAttachment.execute();

The createRequestBody() functions are just used to create a JSON Object with for example {u_name: “targetinfo”, u_ticket_number: “incident:39024903284”}